Bravo Stephen! Your knowledge and wisdom of how our economic system really works does a credit to you!
An important point you made was that morality and ethics rarely, if ever, enters into the equation when it comes to how the economy functions - it is taken as self-evident that profiting from labour and rigging the financial system is inherently moral and right - because the pursuit of profit (regardless of where it comes from) is a moral duty, according to the gospel of capitalist ideology.
What most people fail to understand is that the economy was never really established with the welfare of the mass of the populace in mind, it was created by and for the masters who run it and drain all the benefits from it.
Our endless debates about social welfare and tax breaks matters very little to elite bankers who control entire nations. They sit back and laugh at our petty squabbles, knowing that no matter what, they still hold the reigns.
Until we get for-profit banks out of the equation, we can forget about progressing as a society. They decide which direction humanity goes and they have religiously clung to short-term profiteering, polluting the planet and fostering intellectual regression.