I agree that non-violent resistance is the only civilized means of protest, but we also have to acknowledge the brutal history of labour's struggles and how violently the state can respond to mass labour movements.
In many instances, it seems to be an unfortunate reality that the more violent a rebellion/uprising became, the more the state and big business listened.
These people are so disconnected from the working people that sometimes violence is the only language they seem to understand.
In my opinion, the best approach now is to continue country-wide strikes, mass walk-outs and make strikes as general as possible, as in, band together with workers across different sectors.
Also fighting for more progressive laws around worker owned co-ops, for the establishment of a percentage of the entire economy as worker owned and to have greater worker representation on the boards of directors of companies has become paramount.
It's not enough anymore just to demand higher wages - we need a greater stake and greater power within companies themselves.