I could not agree more. Structural racism et al. are simply bi-products of a plutocracy and we can keep fighting amongst ourselves over these issues until the cows come home, but they will never be completely resolved until we get to the root of all our problems - this game of monopoly.
Of course, your proposals would work, but overcoming the corporate power nexus is no easy task and, like a drunk who has to hit bottom before they can realize their lifestyle must change, we need to get to a situation where people have no viable alternative but to stand up and act in their own interest.
Just as the kleptocrats use crises to seize evermore wealth and power, we should do the same. Fight fire with fire.
As inflation continues to spiral out of control and the cost of living surpasses anything the masses can afford, we will start to see a massive push back from the bottom half.
Indeed, we're already beginning to see it in the form of widespread worker strikes and unionization efforts.
The process has begun, and not a minute too soon.