Really fantastic article Lucien! On this point, I couldn't agree with you more. We have literally traded the churches of old for the labs of today, with science becoming the dominant power which lacks accountability or self-reflection, yet unflinchingly enforces its dogma on society.
The foundation of the scientific principle has always been wanting to proven wrong, as this leads to progress. We cannot stop the evolution of our theories just because we have convinced ourselves that we have reached the pinnacle of a certain topic.
What we see today is rule by a profit-driven technocratic elite who like to ignore or dismiss the messiness of the human condition. They claim that to question them is to question science itself, which sounds totally authoritarian to me. They are thus essentially claiming to be infallible. Are they the new Gods?
You are absolutely correct that the only way forward now is to let go of dying systems - capitalism and neoliberalism - and advance to a more caring, cooperative society which places the happiness index above GDP on the scale of relevance.