Your premise is unfortunately accurate af. I am wracked with fear and anxiety almost every day now. I try to simply live my life, but I can't help feeling plagued by an imprending sense of doom. Getting blind drunk is the only truly effective way for me to forget what's going on.
The people in charge are so ignorant and unhinged, there's no telling what they're gonna do next. They seem determined to instigate the collapse of cvilized society.
I usually feel lonely and alienated in my trepidation., even though I know I'm not the only one who is terrifed by the things that are happening.
People say, "you have no control, so why worry about it?" Somebody has to worry about it, otherwise we're all screwed.
Frequently, I wish I had been born in a different time period. Being a millennial is like being born just before a fucking tsunami. We're a hopeless, aimless generation that is pummeled by grief for the lives we could have led that are now lost to us forever.
There's no escaping the numerous threats that surround us: escalating war, runaway climate change, pathological politicians.
The only people not secretly petrified inside are the ones who are jacked up on heroin and meth. Maybe they're the smart ones. Maybe there truly is nothing to live for anymore.
Sorry for the long ass comment, but I think you struck a nerve inside me.
Thank you for the article, I feel just that little bit less alone.