You're 100% on point Matthew, and I've paused to ponder that question myself many times.
I don't think people are morons. I think it's just that we are all trying to navigate a system of what Sheldon Wollin called "inverted totalitarianism" in which there is no simple direct person or entity to blame. The "baddies" in this case hide behind the anonymity of the corporate state and through the media they have legitimized controlling the economy and hoarding all the wealth.
I think most people understand on some level that capitalism is a terribly rigged winner-take-all regime and I also believe that the vast majority in the older generations are genuinely afraid of what standing up and speaking out might portend for them and their families.
One slip up now and you're cancelled, career gone and life over... so the Damocles sword dangling over all of our heads is real.
It's actually tragic how whipped into submission labour has become, and fighting back is a painstakingly slow process, but the silver lining here is that Gen Z aren't as fearful and they don't really have anything to lose.
The time is nigh for systemic change. I feel it in my bones, it's coming. By hux or by crux, change is coming.